The Ultimate Guide to a Personal Statement That Gets You Admission

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Hello, beautiful human!

Welcome to the course on writing your most successful personal statement!


"I can't gather together and express in words the skills and motivation I have".

"Writing essays and motivation statement is my greatest challenge".

"I gave up applying to Chevening because of the essays".

"I have a hard time selling myself and always get a mind block".

"I am not a good storywriter. I don't know how to write my own powerful story".

"I downplay my achievements".

"How do I identify my own strengths and convince them that I'll contribute to the future class?"

"My motivation letter is still boring. I don't know how to find balance between my experience and what I'd like to get from the particular program".

"The biggest challenge is preparing my personal statement".

"I need professional help of a person who could explain to me how to connect my legal experience with the reasons for applying to the U.S. law school and how to show the admissions committee my potential for the legal community".

"I feel like I'm not confident enough to write great cover letter which can help me to achieve the scholarship".

"It's hard to find a good explanation of how the LL.M. degree from the U.S. university will help me in my professional career".

"It's difficult for me to explain how I will apply in practice the knowledge I will gain from my LL.M."

"I want to understand how to reflect myself in my personal statement".


This is the kind of messages I get in my inbox daily.

Real people talking about real problems.

This is why I created this course.

If you identify with any of the above, keep reading.👇🏽

What You'll Get

When you enroll, you'll get, all inclusive of a one-time signup fee:

  • a proven 5-step framework to guide you from a blank screen to an essay that wows the admissions committee and gets you an offer to the master's program of your dreams
  • a recipe against feeling overwhelmed: a step-by-step plan that fits your life and that you'll stick to
  • the keys to understanding your audience: how to find balance between being authentic and meeting the expectations of the admissions committee
  • endless idea generation system: how to produce multiple ideas for your essays in one sitting, never run out of stories, never stare at a blank screen and always have something interesting to say
  • insider knowledge: what makes a good topic for a personal statement and what topics will kills your chances for success
  • how to overcome the selling yourself block: an alternative way of writing about yourself
  • tactics for how to start an essay
  • tactics for how to end an essay
  • tactics for how to connect ideas and make your essay coherent
  • tools to use if you can't get a professional to review your essay
  • strategies for translating your experience on paper

In a nutshell, you'll get a full roadmap to a successful personal statement that saves you time and effort.

This course equally works for personal statements, motivation letters, statements of purpose - all these documents are based on similar principles.

Why You Should Listen to Me

I myself am a Harvard grad. When applying for master's, I got into Harvard Law School, New York School of Law, Master's of International Dispute Settlement in Geneva, and the University of Cambridge. From those four schools, I was offered over USD 130,000 in grants and scholarships.

The year I spent at Harvard was one of the best years in my entire life. I want that to be accessible to as many people as possible.

After that, I freelanced on Fiverr and was a mentor on a platform called DYAD helping others apply to the world's best universities.

I've been helping other people with writing their personal statements and motivation letters for the past 5 years.

I've also been on the side of the admissions committee, evaluating LLM and PhD applications at the European University Institute where I did my doctoral studies.

What You Will Learn

Throughout the course, I guide you through the 5 steps of developing a winning personal statement:

💡Step 1: Idea-generation

  • how to generate multiple ideas for your essay in one sitting
  • how to choose a topic
  • hidden dangers: what topics to avoid

🧐 Step 2: How to choose your stories

  • how to strategically select your stories, leaving only the ones that are guaranteed to impress the admissions committee

📝 Step 3: How to outline your essay

  • how to plan your essay so that it forms a coherent narrative and doesn't confuse the admissions committee

🖌 Step 4: How to write your first draft

  • how to write the body (main part) of the essay
  • how start your essay to make the admissions committee keep reading
  • how to end your essay for maximum effect

✍ Step 5: Edit your essay

  • how to get from the 1st draft to a polished essays that wows the admissions committee
  • how to format your essay for readability
  • what to do if you can't hire professional to get 3rd person opinion

🎁 Bonus

As a bonus, I include the personal statement that got me an offer from Harvard Law School.



🧑‍🎓👨🏽‍🎓 What Students Are Saying:

This course is an updated version of a course I've launched some time ago on a different platform. I collected feedback and used it to improve the content. But most importantly, I got proof that the course - the strategy - works.

Reviews from Udemy where I published the first version of the course.

One of my coaching clients, whom I helped implement the 5-step system and who is now currently studying in the US, says this:

For more testimonials, please head to my website: Daria Levina.

Enjoy! And if you have any questions, please contact me. I am happy to hear your feedback.


If you refer a friend, both you and your friend will get 10% off.


I offer a 7-day guarantee on the course. If you don't like it or realize it's not for you, message me and I'll reimburse you.

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I want this!

You'll get a complete roadmap to writing personal statements and motivation letters for your master's application.

Full 5-step roadmap laid out for you
To make the material stick
BONUS Sample
My winning Harvard essay
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The Ultimate Guide to a Personal Statement That Gets You Admission

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